
Coming Fall Circle

Coming Fall Circle

In the Spring, the Blues made a run for the Stanley Cup...and marched headlong into the Cardinals season.  As the program director, and new to the stations, it was hectic to quickly learn the operating procedures of two stations, much less, juggle music and sports.  

But when they throw me in the deep end, I start swimming hard.  Just ask my mom, as they did it to me when I was 5 and by golly, I swam to the edge of the pool with my face down.  I learned to manage two pro sports seasons and high school sports thanks to the amazing staff we have here at MKS Broadcasting...and couldn't have done it without the entire staff working together.  Their patience and support are unparalled.

So now, we come to the time that the Cardinals have secured a playoff berth, and the Blues, fresh off their Stanley Cup winning season, are gearing up to start the regular NHL season.  We have come FALL CIRCLE.  The Cardinals and the Blues playing simultaneously, again.  But am I stressed? Nope. Cause we GET TO do this!! (In our family, we don't "have to" do things, we get to, as life is a priviledge, not a chore.)

Rest assured, we will have your Stanley Cup Champs on the air, and still have the Red October of your dreams.  Thanks to our sister station, when the Cards play on B104.3, KFMO AM1240 will air the Blues in all their Glorya!! Get it? Gloria?

Check our sports tab to find times for all the match ups, professional and high school. 

Anyhoo...Be sure to tune in this fall.  We have a great deal to offer--and all free.

It's American radio, people. It's always free for you.


Audra Caine