
Easter - A Day Apart

This Easter, we are apart, together.

Having to avoid hugging my children has been the hardest part of this Coronaquarantine for me.  But having to miss Easter Sunday services will be just as difficult.  We have always done church together. We are a pastoral family.  I will miss the church family, the Easter egg hunt, the sweet family photos on the altar, and just hugging our friends.

Second, not having Easter dinner together, and getting to invite someone who is spending Easter alone. Ugh. There's that word again. Alone.

Here's the thing:  I am not alone. My husband is by my side.  So, I need to put my big girl britches on and stop complaining.  Because you may be that person who is alone--now, and normally.

Well, I want you to know that #istayhomefor YOU! There is nothing more important to me right now that flattening the curve, and keeping you safe.  

If you are reading this, you are important. You. Yes, you.

And I stay home for you. xoxo

Audra Caine

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