
How is it November?

How can it be November already?

My birthday came last week, and the hubs surprised me with a little trip this weekend out to Arcadia Academy Bed & Breakfast.  It was so nice. The weather was gorgeous, and so was our room.  The hospitality is great there, and so is the food. (No, this is not a paid endorsement, unless you count the fact that WE paid! lol)
Check out the room and breakfast:


After breakfast, we headed down to a friend's farm, and ran around on the 4-wheeler and did some hiking on the river bed. It was amazingly beautiful. He spent some time there last year hunting, but I was unable to join him due to weather.  He wanted to show me where the deer blinds were, and how beautiful everything was.  It did not disappoint!

Fall, though chilly this year, has gotten off to a good start! 