
Rollercoaster Day!!

National Rollercoaster Day!! 

Do it. Ride the rollercoaster that scares you. 

Why? Because I was afraid of them for so long...and then, I got cancer. I know. I know. The whole "live like you were dying" speech gets cliche', but really--they are safe--and it's super fun!

Here's a photo of the Boomerang at Six Flags Fiesta Texas, the first one I rode after I had my port-o-cath for chemo taken out.  (BTWs, it connected to my superior vena cava, and I probs should have cleared it with my doc.)

I found a list of the Best Rollercoasters in America, and North America's Scariest Rollercoasters just for today!

Plan a trip. And then, enjoy!

Audra Caine